Thursday, September 1, 2011

How I got myself back

I am a member of Family Clinic Ministries Malawi. It is a non profit Christian organization led by Pastor Constance Masamba of Living Waters International Church. If I go into the whole story of how I found her I might just start crying and not write at all so I will just dive into the reason I mention it.

Family Clinic is a structure every society needs if we are to see a healthy society surface in this day of decay. Women of all social standing and identity wise enough to hear of and act on it can attest to how even one meeting with pastor Constance makes the difference between life and death.

There are things in life and decisions in life that just fail to take proper form because of who we are and how we relate to life. For this reason we all need someone who will speak life into our minds and cause us to see what was always there.

The philosophy behind family clinic is that the one seeking help is the one that must be transformed. And that is how powerful one meeting can be.

I went looking to see my troubles scorned at and banged into better shape. Instead I was scorned at and am getting into my proper shape. With text taken from the bible my entire soul has begun to take a form I never imagined would feel so right.

Everything I thought I was has ceased to matter. No one knows who they are until they meet truth and life. Until somone says you are alive for a purpose and you should spend more time discovering that purpose than constructing a future which might not even be yours.

You cannot know who you truly are and where you truly belong until you accept yourself fully. Until you see your faults, see your good qualities and embrace them all. Until you accept the fact that you talk too much, shout at times and judge others mercilessly. Until you accept that that is how your nose is going to be shaped and this is the laughter you were born with. Until you know who your parents are in every aspect of the word parent. You have not even begun to live.

Many of us waste entire lives modeling something we are not. Striving for things that only sidetrack us from the real spice of life. Many of us realize too late and I can tell you that being exactly that is what got me to be a single mom. It wasn’t part of my plan to raise a son that will not share a home with mom and dad. It never occurred to me. But I filled my head with ambitions and hopes that had nothing to do with my reality and I got burnt.

It is at Family Clinic where in accepting where I am now, I have also realised how deluded one can be when they are living but not fully conscious of who they are. And who you are is a global phenomenon really: you are a creation of the most high. Sent to be a million things to just as many people and 100 per cent responsible for any outcome.

If you are going to be a mean and rude person, do not be surprised that people will crack the champagne and even spit at you grave. If you are going to be overly sacrificial don’t be surprised if you are left decaying before your time and if you are going to be the best you can be the smile on your face will indeed be yours alone and others can bask in it if they want.

The bottom line is you know who you are when you know who you are and your life is only your life when you take responsibility of everything in it; the way your friends, parents, children, and society treat you is part of that. And if you do not like the way things are only you have the power to change them and only then do you truly start living.

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