Thursday, September 1, 2011

Self control and your future

‘A soft answer turns away wrath but grevious words stir up anger’ Proverbs 15: 1.

I think I am one of the most angry people I know. There are reasons to that. It’s not by choice. But I am and I acknowledge it. Through lessons at Family Clinic Ministries at Manase, Blantyre I have learned how foolish an angry person is.

You spark at every slight provocation which means that you can even imagine a battle where there is none. You say the most atrocious things. Which means you spend twice the time it took to say them, taking them back and you can even kill and that is scary.

Why people get angry is not as relevant as what anger is. Anger is a destructive emotion not to be taken lightly. It exists, we cannot ignore that. But like love it must be controlled. Just like you cannot truly love everyone you must learn to not be angry at everything. There are something’s you need not react to.

At Family Clinic lesson number one is self control. Learn who you are and learn what triggers what and start reacting the way you would like to be perceived. It means that if you know that by shouting you become a fool. Stop being foolish. Tone that voice down and structure those words so they have the impact but not your soul in them.

It si anger that has made many lose their very lives. It is angry words that have shut many hopes. And our generation needs to start becoming aware of the consequences of our actions.

Many people believe that letting things come out of their mouths is proof of life and power but in actual fact there is a lot of foolishness in speaking anyhow. Do you even hear what you are saying or you juts say it. Were it said to you would you want to be in that place?

So why do so many of us say so many ugly things and still expect people to want to be around us? You get what you give and there are some people who may seem to absorb what you are saying very well but will one day react in a way that will completely knock you out. That is because our words plant their content. This is because our actions invite reactions. And anger is not a nice thing to generate.

An angry person is a dead person. They do not care about others, they do not worry about tomorrow. They are selfish beings who want what they want when they want it and forsake the rest. That is why you find them friendless, unloved, lonely and simply angry.

In an angry heart God’s spirit cannot reside. For anger reject many things. It reject reality, it reject others and it says how dare you even think of existing. And that is no recipe for joy. I often get surprised that I get shocked when I speak rudely and get rude responses. Till today, because lets face it Rome wasn’t built in a day, I am trying to understand why certain things don’t go my way knowing full well that at some point I was not nice. And it is not because people are unforgiving that this thing occurs but it is because I let an emotion get the best of me and have lost.

You can lose an entire future if you let yourself be angry.

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